Strategic Help  is an invaluable part of our  team, but not on our payroll.”   ~ Executive Director, Nationally known non-profit

“Good in emergencies, but often invisibly keeping things running smoothly…”  ~  Chief Operations Officer, International design company

“Their experience with Cloud and Web services saved us thousands of dollars…” Executive Director, Statewide non-profit

“They help me not worry about our business technical infrastructure.” ~ CEO, & Entrepreneur

When you have a trusted technical team available you have an invaluable advantage in your professional practice, start-up, existing business, or non-profit.

Our expertise is cost-effective and available when you need it.  The benefits include quick answers, better options,  informed decisions, time savings, help when you need it, and lower costs.

lightbulbTechnical planning saves a lot of time and money. Regular routine preventative maintenance avoids emergency, “hair-on-fire” work interruptions and panic.

Strategic Help provides simple plans, consultations, and service that deliver smart ideas, strategic tech planning, and long-term support that can save you aggravation, money, and time.