Live Remote Assistance
Do you need a quick solution to a technical problem? With our live remote-assistance tool, a member of our support team can view your desktop and share control of your mouse and keyboard to get you on your way to a solution.

How to Get Support:

You will find the answers to security questions and system configuration requirements on our FAQ page. You can also view a demonstration of a screen-sharing session.

How It Works:

  • Step 1: Complete the fields and click the button to proceed. Click here to go back to the previous screen to fill in the fields
  • Step 2: You are prompted to download a small virus-free plug-in which will connect you to a member of our support team.
  • Step 3: Your support representative will chat with you online to obtain the details of the problem.
  • Step 4: With your permission, your support representative can view your screen and share control of your mouse and keyboard.
  • Step 5: You are in full control of your computer at all times. You always have overriding control of your mouse and keyboard, and you can end the screen-sharing session at any time.